Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Jim Chmilar


The Technical Committee Publications Manual (TCPM) and ANSI rules state that a balanced voting pool shall be established for the duration of the document and nobody can be added once the voting pool is established. Personally I did not like this but it is now a NACE International established procedure. I did announce this at the last three or four meetings so it should not have been a surprise to anyone.

I would like to suggest to you that the task group has responded to the various comments that were received in the failed ballot of September 2009 and provided in the current ballot version a variety of criteria including –850 mV on with consideration for voltage drops other than those across the structure-to-electrolyte boundary as well as “other current applied criteria”; these two particular criteria were submitted by a number of commenter’s. Those commenter’s, including yourself, claimed that they have used these two particular criteria and were stating that they have the empirical evidence necessary to satisfy that the corrosion control objectives of the user had been satisfied. Those two particular criteria were implied in the September 2009 version but are now listed in the February 2010 version of the proposed draft revision.

Reading over Section 6 gives those responsible a greater variety of options and should satisfy most of the voting pool(we both know you can’t satisfy everybody). So as I see it the highlights of Section 6 are:

6.2 Criteria

6.2.1 It is not intended that people responsible for external corrosion control be limited to any specific criteria.

6.2.3 Steel, Gray, and Ductile Cast-Iron Piping Adequate cathodic protection can be achieved at various levels of cathodic polarization depending on the environmental conditions. Any criterion selected must provide a reliable indication that the corrosion control objectives of the user have been satisfied. In the absence of data listed in Paragraph 6.1.2 that demonstrate that adequate CP has been achieved, at least one of the following shall apply: …………

6.2.4 Aluminum Piping The following criterion shall apply: a minimum of 100 mV of cathodic polarization. Either the formation or the decay of this polarization must be measured to satisfy this criterion.

6.2.5 Copper Piping The following criterion shall apply: a minimum of 100 mV of cathodic polarization. Either the formation or the decay of this polarization must be measured to satisfy this criterion.

6.2.6 Stainless Steel Piping The following criteria shall apply: A minimum of 100 mV of cathodic polarization between the structure surface and a stable reference electrode contacting the electrolyte. Either the formation or the decay of this polarization must be used in this criterion. An instant-off potential of –450 mV or more negative with respect to a CSE in neutral or alkaline conditions. In acid conditions, the protection potential should be determined by testing.

Richard, as stated in the ballot cover page as well as my e-mail earlier this month to all commenter’s any comment received on the document ballot will be addressed. Those who submit a negative ballot must follow the rules of a negative ballot which includes providing a suggested resolution to their negative.

See you in San Antonio

Jim Chmilar

TG 360 Chair

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