Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Update to SP0169 Revision July 7, 2010

Another vote likely in August 2010!!

Another version of the SP0169 is in the works. I think everyone is hopeful for resolution of the key issues on this document so we can move forward. The committee is working to address many of the negatives and comments from the last vote. Even though they do not have to resolve the negatives (because the ballot failed), they are trying to see where the main issues are and how they might resolve them before the next vote.

I have no idea of where they are at this time or what changes have been made, but it is time we get this document out to our members and others that need this standard around the world.

Those on the voting list did receive a poll recently addressing the criteria section and what would be acceptable to them as far as the criteria section. I was hoping the committee would release these results to see how the voters responded. Since this is the critical issue for most voters, it would be nice to know where the committee is focusing their changes, if any, in this section before the balloting process. As far as I can tell there is nothing on the NACE website under the TG 360 committee that addresses the recent poll.

The last word I had was that another version of the revision will be out for vote in August 2010. To vote, you will have had to signed up on the original voting ballot list which was in July 2009. If you are not on this list you can not vote, but you can make your views known by posting them on the blog site and by passing them along to those who are voting, especially those in your company. That way others who will be voting can get information from anyone who posts their views on the blog in order to help them make a more informed decision.

It has been interesting to me that those who favor changes to the criteria section rarely post their concerns, reasons and information on the topic. Why not allow everyone to get as much information as possible so they can reason the best choices for this document. We learn from every ones comments derived from their experiences, knowledge and education. Those who chose not to inform others of their views on this subject are not allowing for an open forum to discuss these very important and critical issues. Please provide you insight into these issues no matter where your experiences have taken you.

Get ready for another ballot soon! And please vote if you are on the balloting list! Take some time to read the document and comment as you see places that may need some changes or improvements. You can choose to vote for or against or abstain. If voting for this version you do not have comment, but are welcome to. If you vote against the document, you must give the committee valid reasons why you voted negative. You will need to define the particular section and give reasoning why you voted negative on that part, as well as giving a valid resolution to the committee. This is where the information mentioned above becomes very important.

The committee has spent many long hours and much effort in this matter and like the rest of us is tired of the battle, but in order to give the industry the best possible document, we have to keep working together! Do not give up! And do not just give in to get it over with. Compromise is the only way we will get this document out, but it must happen on both sides.

Thanks for the support of the blog site. Please continue to provide comments and any other information (especially case histories) that will help with this effort!

Richard Norsworthy
Polyguard Products, Inc.