Thursday, June 18, 2009

Commentary on SP0169

I want make it very clear to everyone this is NOT A NACE INTERNATIONAL sponsored blog site!

The blog is sponsored by Polyguard Products, Inc. to allow everyone access to the discussion, information and debate about this document. This is one of the most important standard practices that NACE publishes. Therefore it is critical to get the best document possible from this process.

Polyguard has given me the time and provided the expenses and personell to develop this blog in an effort to help the pipeline idustry with this effort. We at Polyguard are very passionate about solving the issues involved with pipeline coatings that shield CP when disbondments occur. Please go to our web site at to get more information about our pipeline coatings as well as our other corrosion control and waterproofing products.

No matter what your position is on the SP0169 revision process, especially on the critieria section, please help us all to learn from you by commenting on the document. Please take time to discuss this with others in the industry and within your company. Pass along this information to all others that may have an interest in this document.

Thank you,

Richard Norsworthy
Polyguard Products, Inc.


Anonymous said...

I appreciate this venue and the opportunity to be able leave a comment. I am new to the corrosion control field and work for a public water municipality. I am solely responsible for the program and find corrosion consulting firms to be all over the map with regards to cp protection levels of both buried and above ground structures. I read, listen, experiment and learn through trial and error. I try to educate others to the best of my abilities. I value Roy's strong beliefs, find them to be educational and challenging to the status quo, and will also consider them as I manage my system, yet must rely on the NACE standards to justify my decisions. I want to encourage other knowledgable people to weigh in for the benefit of entry level CP technicians such as myself.



Unknown said...

Mr. Bash,

I appreciate very much your effort for making this Blog site, I also have a comment regarding the NACE RP0169 they have two criteria for adequate Cathodic Protection, the -850mV instant "off" and the 100mV polarized potential but in the industry they often refer only to the -850mV criteria and mostly forgetting the other reliable criterion which is the 100mV polarized potential, I believed there should only be one criterion if we really want to make a standard, the -850mV instant "off" is a confusion with the 100mV polarized potential

Joeberth Belarmino

REE/CP tech