Tuesday, November 24, 2009

We have more work to do!


As we approach the end of the year please keep in mind there may be a NEW ballot from the TG 360 committee for the NEW SP0169-2007 revision in early January 2010. I am not sure what changes have been or will be made at this time, but we will see. The TG 360 committee would like to have the vote as early as possible next year so they can address any negatives at CORROSION 2010 in San Antonio, TX (next March).

You can log on to the Technical Committees Online Balloting Web page on the NACE.org website to see how many people responded and joined the voting pool as well as the individuals who submitted a vote with comments. Go to the NACE International.org website, then chose “Committees”, then “Online Balloting”, then Log in with your NACE number and Password. Once on this page, go to “TCC Balloting Results” and find the TG 360 group (page 9 when I looked). If you click on results you will get the voting information from the last ballot. A sample is below showing the number of folks who have signed up to vote and the number that actually voted.

Total Eligible Voters Number Voting Percent Voting
All Voters 391 270 69.1 %
STG Voters 313 222 70.9 %

If you click on the “Comments” you will be able to see those who voted to affirm, negative or abstain. You can also see all comments from those who made them. Reading these comments helps you to understand why many voted the way they did, as well as the concern expressed by some voters. These comments may help with your vote and how to make technical comments if your vote is negative. Please make “good” technical comments and arguments if you vote negative. If you vote for affirmation, you do not have to provide comments, but are welcome to do so. Abstaining votes do not count on the final pass/fail criterion, but you can provide comments if you wish.

Those who are on the voting list (391) can vote on the next ballot. You did not have to vote on the first ballot to vote on this one, but you must have signed up on the original voting list. So if you did not sign up on the “Balloting List”, you can not vote on the next ballot. See the Post below from Daniela Matthews at NACE.

If there is a doubt of whether you are on the balloting list, you should be able to contact daniela.matthews@nace.org.

To me there is so much evidence to show that the use of the “ON” -850 mV or more negative criterion (even without IR drop consideration) is valid. I will be posting some reports from the 1990 revision effort discussing many of the test site results for the PRCI report as well as some information from other companies. Basically, they show that if you can achieve a -850 mV “ON” potential (even without IR drop consideration) you can also achieve the 100 mV of polarization. I have also sent this information to Neil Thompson of DNV who is involved in the new PRCI study and report on whether the -850 mV “ON” criterion is valid. If you company is a member of the PRCI, please get involved.

I think we all understand that nothing is 100% and we can still have external corrosion in some cases even if we meet or exceed all criteria. Please pass along any data that may help the PRCI or TG 360 committee on their important missions. You can send it directly to the committee(s) or you can send it to me and I will forward it.

Many countries around the world will be relaxing this time of year because of the various holidays, especially in North America, but we must keep alert and provide the needed information to help this committee provide the industry with the best documents and reports possible. Without your help, they will not achieve that goal.

I am hoping that the changes to this new ballot will be allow us to all feel much more comfortable with what is written. Many are concerned about the regulatory implications in the various countries of the original proposed criteria. We will see what changes, if any, are in the new revision.

We need everyone who signed up to vote to vote! This is a critical document to the pipeline industry. No matter what your vote, please vote. Those who are not on the voting list, but have comments or issues you can pass those along to me and I will post them on the blog. I will also help anyone who is not sure how to word their comments with suggestions if there is a need.

I will pass along my thoughts of the new revision after it comes out for balloting. We also encourage others to make comments, no matter what your vote may be. We need to hear everyone’s opinion! Not just mine. Not just negative voters. Sharing information and concerns is how we are going to learn and make an educated decision.

Again, I will think the committee and all others who have worked so hard on this matter. We all want the same thing, a reasonable, sound document that works to provide the industry with guidance to provide safe, economical and environmentally friendly pipelines for the world’s future energy needs.

Richard Norsworthy
Polyguard Products, Inc.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes Richard we have a lot more work to do. As I have done research over the past few months I am becoming quiet disturbed regarding the direction NACE and PHMSA are going.

I have anecdotal evidence from people who have taken NACE corrosion courses over the past few years that -.850 with current applied is not even discussed in the classes. I was under the impression that the purpose of organizations like NACE and its various committees was to research, discuss, and propose revisions to existing standards. I would contend that until a standard has been revised it should be taught as written without preference to one part or another. I for one am not ready to throw Peabody under the bus. There is too much practical and empirical data to support his theories.

I would also contend that PHMSA stands poised to incorporate the SPO169 revision by reference into Federal code. I hope everyone involved understands the implications of incorporation by reference. I am neither a parliamentarian nor an expert on Federal codes and rule making procedures. But if I understand what I read on PHMSA’s website correctly , Congress gave complete authority to the Director of the Federal Register to determine whether a proposed incorporation by reference serves the public interest and approve the agency's IBR request. Does this mean there will be no opportunity to comment on the change to the Federal code?

Further research on PHMSA’s website shows that since 1989 196 significant incidents related to external corrosion were reported. Further research to ascertain if these incidents also involved a violation of current code will take much more time, but I would suggest that significant incidents related to external corrosion were also in violation of existing code.
Revising SPO169 to require -.850 without current applied will not magically prevent violations of code. The costs associated with complying to the revised standard when PHMSA incorporates it will in effect be prematurely fining the pipeline industry before an incident occurs.

Kerry L. Morgan
Senior Corrosion Technologist 5037
NACE 133125