Sunday, March 7, 2010

Roy Bash Comments


The 1 mpy corrosion rate in the committee’s draft is something that has to go. The CP process is based on science that can produce a zero corrosion rate, and I do not want to be involved in any part of publishing a Standard proving that as CP practitioners we are not striving to achieve a zero corrosion rate on steel pipelines carrying hazardous materials. It may not be possible but I am sure going to keep trying. The negative 850 mV, CSE instant-off CP criterion for steel pipelines is grossly overly stringent in too many cases, and it is clear from a scientific standpoint that it can achieve a zero corrosion rate, but that is not the issue, the issue is how much over protection damage is it going to inflict on steel pipelines? Also how much wasted money is it going to cost the public?

Why can’t we accept the science and available historical proof that the negative 850 mV, CSE on CP criterion can and has achieved a zero corrosion rate on many buried steel pipelines for many years?

What a drag this has turned out to be.

L.A. (Roy) Bash

Global Cathodic Protection, Inc.

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